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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Kaijie Lin
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Associate Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
[1].Laser powder bed fusion of bio-inspired honeycomb structures: Effect of twist angle on compressiv...:Thin-Walled Structures
[2].Selective laser melting of graphene reinforced titanium matrix composites: Powder preparation and...:Advanced Powder Technology
[3]Kaijie Lin,.新冠疫情背景下高校在线教学模式的实践思考——以N大学为例:中国多媒体与网络教学学报(上旬刊),2020
[4]Kaijie Lin,Dongdong Gu.Additive Manufacturing (AM) Technologies for Clean Energy Applications: A Review with a Perspecti...:LASERS IN ENGINEERING,2018
[5]Kaijie Lin,.高等院校航空航天特色人才培养模式探究:智库时代,2018
[6]Kaijie Lin,.Influence of laser parameters and complex structural features on the bio-inspired complex thin-wa...:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY,2019
[7]Kaijie Lin,.Selective laser melting processing of 316L stainless steel: effect of microstructural differences...:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2019
[8]Kaijie Lin,.Mechanical properties and deformation behavior under compressive loading of selective laser melti...:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING,2019
[9]Kaijie Lin,.Nitrogen mass transfer and surface layer formation during the active screen plasma nitriding of a...:VACUUM,2018
[10]Kaijie Lin,.Metallic integrated thermal protection structures inspired by the Norway spruce stem: Design, num...:Opt Laser Technol,2019
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